Cast iron columns - Graceful cast iron fencing and lighting

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Cast iron columns

Cast iron columns and fencing
We will love to make a real model of your future fencing according to your wishes. We offer more than 150 types of fillings and a wide range of columns. Processing of a binding offer is fast and free. We provide the complete information and technical specification of the products. All the orders are delivered and installed in time.
Pricing includes supply of metallurgical materials, manufacturing and installation, timbering, surface coating, connecting material, transportation and all other necessary expenses, always expressing the total price excluding VAT. The guarantee of our products is 60 months. Handover documents are included.


               S01                                 S02                              SO3                               SO4
1190x80mm                               870x60mm                          1065x95mm                            880x50mm
              22,4kg                                        5,3kg                                  12,8kg                                    3,4kg

              S05                                 S06                              SO7                                 SO8
903x65mm                               950x70mm                          1125x72mm                              995x85mm
               8,2kg                                        14kg                                   14,5kg                                     18,5kg

              S09                                 S10                              S11                                S12
1170x70mm                             1033x105mm                        1065x70mm                           1045x56mm
               11,9kg                                       17,4kg                                  23kg                                     5,7kg

              S13                                 S14                             S15                                   S16
950x79mm                               940x50mm                          1000x70mm                              1000x80mm
                8,2kg                                        14kg                                   20kg                                       20,5kg

              S17                                 S18                              S19                                 S20
947x80mm                               1000x62mm                          950x73mm                              1070x75mm
               10,36kg                                      8,5kg                                 7,6kg                                       12,5kg

              S21                                 S22                              S23                                 S24
765x74mm                             1085x50mm                          1000x65mm                              945x54mm
                 5,7kg                                        4,4kg                                   6,9kg                                     2,9kg

              S25                                S26                               S27                                 S28
943x55mm                               1045x50mm                          930x64mm                              840x61mm
               2,4kg                                        4,7kg                                    3,5kg                                      7,3kg

              S29                                 S30                              S31                                PS01
880x85mm                               1060x95mm                          930x54mm                              1433x122mm
               11,2kg                                       4,8kg                                   6,2kg                                      4,1kg

              PS02                               PS03                            PSO4                             PSO5
1120x135mm                            1090x70mm                         1120x115mm                         1575x135mm
                4,7kg                                       3,1kg                                    3,1kg                                     5,8kg

              PS06                               PS07                            PSO8                               PSO9
1040x235mm                            1310x105mm                        1345x140mm                            1000x43mm
                4,5kg                                        17,5kg                                  6,8kg                                       15kg

              P01                                P02                               P03                                P04
h=1000mm                           h=1070mm                           h=670mm                               h=670mm
               19,6kg                                    17,1kg                                  48,2kg                                     7kg

               P05                                P06                             P07                                 P08
h=990mm                               h=700mm                            h=455mm                             h=315mm
                32,2kg                                    31,5kg                                 15,6kg                                    5,8kg

                 P09                               P10                             P11                                 P12
h=290mm                               h=850mm                           h=545mm                               h=390mm
                   10kg                                       17kg                                  8,7kg                                       13,5kg

              P13                                 P15                              P16                            
h=178mm                             h=1040mm                           h=600mm                            
                4,1g                                       31,2kg                                   16kg                                       

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